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EntrePass vs Employment Pass in Singapore - Welk visum is geschikter voor jou?

Vergelijkingstabel met de verschillen tussen de Singapore's EntrePass en Employment Pass voor 2024, met de voorwaarden, voordelen en vereisten voor ondernemers en professionals.

As one of the world’s most prosperous and culturally diverse countries, it is no surprise that Singapore is consistently ranked among the best places to live and work. It offers tremendous educational and professional opportunities that draw from individuals from all around the world.

Once here, foreigners quickly realise how fortunate they are, both personally and professionally.

In recent years, the Ministerie van Arbeidskrachten (MOM) has made it more difficult for foreigners to obtain visas. The purpose for these changes was to provide native Singaporeans more opportunities to compete for jobs.

In short, Singapore immigration laws now level the playing field for native residents, whereas previously it was easier for foreigners to get visas.

Singapore offers a number of visas to foreigners including the S-Pass, Werk Permit, Ondernemerspas (it is also referred to as Entrepass) and the Arbeidspas (EP). The latter two are the most common visas awarded to foreign professionals.

Employment Pass vs Entrepass

So which one is right for you, the Employment Pass or Entrepreneur Pass? The answer to this depends on your background and primary reason to immigrate to Singapore. Let’s break each down to their basic parts.

  Entrepass Arbeidspas
Who is it for? Entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators; those who have or want to establish (or invest in) a business Skilled foreign professionals, including managers, directors, executives, who have been offered a job in Singapore
Who applies? You (the applicant) Your employer or licensed immigration agency such as One Visa
How long is it valid? Valid for 1 year 1-2 years
Can it be renewed? Yes, it can be renewed for an additional year; future renewals last 2 years Yes, it can be renewed up to 3 years
What are the renewal requirements? Your business needs to be up and running smoothly and according to its original plan, and it must be fulfilling conditions stated in the Entrepass approval letter You must be employed by the company or organization.
What is the minimum salary requirement? None Monthly salary must be at least $3,600
What is the quota and levy requirement? None None; However, if the company hiring you employs 50% or more foreign workers, it needs to justify why Singaporeans were not offered the position
Does it allow travel outside of the country? Yes, you can leave Singapore without having to apply for a visa every time Yes, you can leave Singapore without having to apply for a visa every time
Are family members allowed to move to Singapore? Yes, children under 21 and parents Yes, children under 21 and parents
Are children able to attend school? Yes, either public or private schools Yes, either public or private schools
Do I need a higher education degree(s)? Geen No, if you do not have higher education degrees you must have excellent work experience in your field
What documents do I need to submit? Personal particulars page of your passportYour company’s business planOther documents as requested   Personal particulars page of your passportYour employer’s latest business profileCopies of educational certificatesOther documents as requested
How long does it take to process the application? Up to 8 weeks 3 to 8 weeks
Can you apply to become a Permanent Resident? Yes Yes

Now that you’ve learned the basic details about the Arbeidspas en Entrepass, you should be able to identify which one is appropriate for you. What it boils down to is whether you are either an entrepreneur or a skilled professional.

To be sure, there are other criteria not listed above that you need to meet, but answering that question will get you on the right track as you apply for a Singapore visa. Both the EP or Entrepreneur pass are excellent choices, you simply need to figure out which is applicable to you.

If you are still unsure about which pass is right for you, don’t hesitate to try our Free Assessment today to determine whether you are qualified for either the EP or the Entrepass.

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