Terugkeervisum voor ingezetenen van Australië (RRV)
Renewal of Australian PR
Overview of Resident Return visa
What is RRV visa?
The Resident Return Visa (RRV) is required for those Australian Permanent Resident visa holders who are staying abroad. This is a travel facility for existing or previous PR holders to travel in and out of Australia as frequently as possible until it expires. Your PR will not be valid if you are abroad and your RRV expires so it is important for all PRs to renew their RRV on time.
Criteria of Resident Return Visa
Wat zijn de vereisten voor een basisvisum?
The general requirement for RRV is that the applicant must be staying in Australia physically for at least 730 days in the last 5 years to be eligible for renewal of the RRV for additional 5 years. However, there are many Australia Permanent Residency holders that live overseas and are not able to return to Australia on time to meet the minimum stay criteria.
For those who stays less than 730 days in Australia, you are still allowed to renew your RRV on a yearly basis but you must show that you have substantial ties that benefits Australia. It is possible for a professional migration consultant to review and advice on how you can build these ties to extend your RRV. Additionally, it is also possible to re-instate your PR even when your RRV has expired.
If your Australian Resident Return Visa is expiring or had expired and you are not sure of how to proceed, contact our consultant today to discuss on your requirements today!
Gekwalificeerd immigratieadvies op basis van bijgewerkt immigratiebeleid
Hoe kunnen we u helpen uw Visa-succes te behalen?
Uitgebreide analyse & competent advies
Nauwkeurigheid bij het invullen van formulieren en indienen van vereiste documenten
Samenstellen en voorbereiden van waardetoevoegende documenten
Wat mensen zeggen
De verwerkingstijd varieert van 22 dagen tot 6 maanden.